

Strongest Self Resources: This page provides reading recommendations for those interested in learning more about ways to strengthen your relationship, improve sexual health, manage health-related issues, and enhance overall well-being.

Relational health.

Bibliotherapy: Reading resources


Magnetic Partners: Discover How the Hidden Conflict that Once Attracted You to Each Other Is Now Driving You Apart
By Stephen Betchen, DSW

Description: “A Ladies’ Home Journal “Can This Marriage Be Saved” columnist explains how a subconscious inner conflict is at the heart of most attractions and arguments, counseling couples on how to identify their “master conflict” in order to render it a bonding tool. By the author of Intrusive Partners–Elusive Mates.”


The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical guide from the Country’s Foremost Relationship Expert
By John Gottman, PhD & Nan Silver

Description: “With more than a million copies sold worldwide, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work has revolutionized the way we understand, repair, and strengthen marriages.”


The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts
By Gary Chapman

Description: “Falling in love is easy. Staying in love—that’s the challenge. How can you keep your relationship fresh and growing amid the demands, conflicts, and just plain boredom of everyday life? In the #1 New York Times bestseller The 5 Love Languages, you’ll discover the secret that has transformed millions of relationships worldwide. Whether your relationship is flourishing or failing, Dr. Gary Chapman’s proven approach to showing and receiving love will help you experience deeper and richer levels of intimacy with your partner—starting today.”


Sexual health.

Bibliotherapy: Reading resources


Guide to Getting it On
By Paul Joannides & Daerick Gross Sr. (Illustrator)

Description: “The “Guide To Getting It On” has won praise from Oprah Magazine, Rolling Stone, Playboy and Cosmo. Sex educators call it one the best how-to books on sex that’s ever been written.


Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science that Will Transform Your Sex Life
By Emily Nagoski, PhD

Description: “An essential exploration of why and how women’s sexuality works—based on groundbreaking research and brain science—that will radically transform your sex life into one filled with confidence and joy.”


Sexual Awareness: Your Guide To Healthy Couple Sexuality
By Barry McCarthy & Emily McCarthy

Description: “In the newest edition of this classic text, veteran authors Barry and Emily McCarthy explain how desire, pleasure, and satisfaction can enrich your relationship. As the premier book on the subject, Sexual Awareness focuses on factors that promote and subvert healthy couple sexuality. Reading this book and partaking in the psychosocial skill exercises it contains will help couples learn how to value sexuality as a positive and satisfying part of their lives. Couples at any stage of their relationship will learn how to enhance sexual awareness, communication, feelings, and function. The result will be enhanced desire and eroticism that will help couples understand themselves and each other better.”


Coping with Premature Ejaculation: How to Overcome PE, Please Your Partner, and Have Great Sex
By Michael Metz, PhD & Barry McCarthy, PhD

Description: “It is estimated that 30 million American men have problems with premature ejaculation. This book contains the latest, scientifically-based, multidimensional methods for overcoming all types of premature ejaculation and includes a complete relapse prevention program.Explore a multidimensional, bio-psychological approach to dealing with this problem and strengthening your sexual relationship. Explode the myths of male sexual performance and analyze male sexual desire. Learn about the different types of premature ejaculation and use assessment exercises to find out which you suffer from. Then, follow one of the structured, symptom-specific treatment strategies based on psychological, relational, and physiological techniques. Find out ways to prevent relapse. Enhance and improve your overall sexual relationship. Designed as a resource for couples, this book is a powerful tool for creating support and positive change in your relationship.”


Workbooks: Reading with tools and activities

Enhancing Sexuality: A Problem-Solving Approach to Treating Dysfunction
By John P. Wincze

Description: “At some point in life, almost all men and women have a problem with sexual functioning. If you are looking for solutions to sexual problems, this workbook can help. You may use it in conjunction with visits to a qualified mental health professional or on your own, with or without your partner.

This workbook gives you correct information about sex and offers information, advice, and practical suggestions for common sexual problems. From this book, you will learn to improve and enjoy your sexual relations. Divided into three parts, this workbook presents a comprehensive program for solving sexual problems. Part I includes basic information that is helpful for understanding sexual problems and sexual functioning in general. Part II addresses specific sexual problems and provides information and strategies to alleviate and overcome them. Finally, Part III focuses on information and strategies to help you maintain the gains you’ve made. Exercises for couples, chapter review quizzes, and user-friendly worksheets can be found throughout the workbook and will help you increase your knowledge and understanding of sex and sexual relationships.

The information presented is based on research and has helped thousands of people like you, and their partners, solve sexual problems and prevent them from occurring again.”


Cancer, health, and well-being

Workbooks: Reading with tools and activities

Coping with Breast Cancer: Workbook for Couples
By Sharon Manne & Jamie Ostroff

Description: “As a couple coping with early stage breast cancer, it is important that you face the stresses and challenges together. To support each other during this difficult time, you and your partner may benefit from enhancing your relationship and stress management skills. This couples-focused group program will help you and your partner become an effective coping “team.”

To strengthen your relationship, you and your partner will learn how to better support and communicate with one another using proven relationship-enhancing techniques. You will also learn to strengthen emotional intimacy by taking the time to discover each other’s needs and engaging in “wish list” activities to bring you closer together. Relaxation techniques will help you and your partner manage stress so you are better able to deal with the challenges of cancer. The group format provides a supportive environment and gives you a chance to learn from other couples dealing with similar issues.

This workbook is designed to be shared by you and your partner, as you work together as a team. It includes all the forms and information you will need during the six-week program. Exercises will help you apply what you learned in group to coping with cancer and your life as a couple. By the end of the program, you will have acquired many useful skills that will benefit you, your partner, and your relationship for a lifetime.”


General mental health/well-being.

Workbooks: Reading with tools and activities

Mind Over Mood: Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think
By Dennis Greenberger, PhD & Christine A Padesky, PhD

Description: “Discover simple yet powerful steps you can take to overcome emotional distress–and feel happier, calmer, and more confident. This life-changing book has already helped more than 1,100,000 readers use cognitive-behavioral therapy–one of today’s most effective forms of psychotherapy–to conquer depression, anxiety, panic attacks, anger, guilt, shame, low self-esteem, eating disorders, substance abuse, and relationship problems. Revised and expanded to reflect significant scientific developments of the past 20 years, the second edition contains numerous new features: expanded content on anxiety; chapters on setting personal goals and maintaining progress; happiness rating scales; gratitude journals; innovative exercises focused on mindfulness, acceptance, and forgiveness; 25 new worksheets; and much more.”


Web Sources

Here are links to recommended sites for those interested in health related topics.
It includes training programs for professionals interested in furthering their education, and sites that will provide individuals with information to their sex related questions.

Couples & Sex Therapy Resources

Printable handouts (Folletos imprimibles):

Cancer Sex and Sexuality   (Cancer Sexo y Sexualidad)


Blog posts:

Like Great Wine, Sex Can Get Better with Age: Strategies for Satisfying Sex Throughout Your Entire Life

Sex Therapy Resources